Apa nama dia aku pun tak tau, kira macam corn's peeler kut, senang ler kalau nak buat cucuk jagung, atau jagung manis campur majerin tu....saper2 rajin masak ok ler kut beli. Kalau aku beli...jadi macam hiasan ler kat dalam lemari.

Banana Holder...kena jer warna putih tu dengan kuning pisang tu, the color combination is really great, kalau ada kaler hijau pun ok kut. Cantik kalu letak kat kitchen ni.

Ni pun menarik, nak membuang apple seed tu lebih cepat kut...aku suka gambar ni sebab kaler nyer cantik.

Guess, this is how the make pineapple ring....cantik color combination kuning, hijau tu.

Yang ni dah biasa ler....tak der special apa2, lime juice extractor ni. Again i love the green and yellow color combination, cantik dan menarik.

What do you call this...cherry seed extractor kut..heheh. Creative maa...so many ways to make your cooking fast and easy.
Actually, all these photos are not about kitchen or cooking....it just that, I love the photos and the color combinations..tu jer, teringat quote about color;
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. ~Claude Monet
Bila tengok orang snap photo cantik dan berseni, teringin nak beli Nikon D30, kononnyer lepas tu boleh ler snap photo yang cantik2, but then...I came across one quote about photography, it says;
Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.
like the quote from anon about the nicon owner... haha
Kak Faiz, saya pun suka quotes tu..hahaha..kene btg idung yang perasan nak beli nikon tu...
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