AKU BARU TAU JER...Discover it through reading.
So, niat nak bagitau ler kat sesapa yang belum tau, sebagai info jer.
Masa havoc tentang kapal menghantar bantuan ditahan oleh Israel laknatullah tu,
ada satu kapal lagi, RACHEL CORRIE,
yang diarahkan oleh Tun Mahathir Mohammad
untuk teruskan perjalanan menghantar bantuan ke Gaza.
Ni ler kapalnya.
It just strike my mind, toing..tanda tanya..????
Sapa bagi nama nie?
kalau Tun Mahathir yang bagi nama, why not boh nama Hang Tuah ka...
It just strike my mind, toing..tanda tanya..????
Sapa bagi nama nie?
Yang melayu sikit la, so maybe boleh bawa nama Melayu lebih jauh
diambil sempena nama seorang rakyat Amerika, Orang Putih la, Non-Muslim.
Ni gambar dia.
Why? Itu yang aku tanya...
Dalam banyak2 orang, she was chosen.
Bila baca baru aku tau...naifnya aku, berita camni pun aku tak tau.
Ini petikan artikel yang aku 'copy and paste'

Ni ler bulldozer yang melenyekkan Corrie tu
alasan Israel, driver tak nampak, biasalah Yahudi laknat ni,
Dengan Allah lagikan depa bagi alasan....sejak dahulu kala.
Meninggal akibat kecederaan di kebanyakan bahagian badan dan muka.
A Non-Muslim died fighting for the right of other muslim in Palestine,
TAPI KITA masih besenang lenang dan bergaduh sesama sendiri...
Jadi, aku pun surf internet lar...Oooo baru aku tau..
Yang nama RACHEL CORRIE nidiambil sempena nama seorang rakyat Amerika, Orang Putih la, Non-Muslim.
Ni gambar dia.

Dalam banyak2 orang, she was chosen.
Bila baca baru aku tau...naifnya aku, berita camni pun aku tak tau.
Ini petikan artikel yang aku 'copy and paste'
Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was an American member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She was crushed to death in the Gaza Strip by an Israel Defence Forces (IDF) bulldozer when she was kneeling in front of a local Palestinian's home, thus acting as a human shield, attempting to prevent IDF forces from demolishing the home. The IDF stated that the death was due to the restricted angle of view of the IDF Caterpillar D9 bulldozer driver, while ISM eyewitnesses said "there was nothing to obscure the driver's view."[1] A student at the Evergreen State College, she had taken a year off and traveled to the Gaza Strip during the Second Intifada.

Corrie, wearing flourescent jacket,
Berlutut at least 15 meter dari bulldozer tu, sambil melambai tangan dan menjerit,
Just as all the activists had successfully done dozens of times.
But, despite all that...driver tu terus juga memandu bulldozer tu,
Berlutut at least 15 meter dari bulldozer tu, sambil melambai tangan dan menjerit,
Just as all the activists had successfully done dozens of times.
But, despite all that...driver tu terus juga memandu bulldozer tu,
"... When it got so close that it was moving the earth beneath her, she climbed onto the pile of rubble being pushed by the bulldozer... Her head and upper torso were above the bulldozer’s blade, and the bulldozer driver and co-operator could clearly see her. Despite this, the driver continued forward, which caused her to fall back, out of view of the diver. He continued forward, and she tried to scoot back, but was quickly pulled underneath the bulldozer. We ran towards him, and waved our arms and shouted; one activist with the megaphone. But the bulldozer driver continued forward, until Rachel was all the way underneath the central section of the bulldozer."

alasan Israel, driver tak nampak, biasalah Yahudi laknat ni,
Dengan Allah lagikan depa bagi alasan....sejak dahulu kala.

Meninggal akibat kecederaan di kebanyakan bahagian badan dan muka.
A Non-Muslim died fighting for the right of other muslim in Palestine,
TAPI KITA masih besenang lenang dan bergaduh sesama sendiri...
On March 14, 2003, during an interview with the Middle East Broadcasting network, Corrie said:
"I feel like I'm witnessing the systematic destruction of a people's ability to survive ... Sometimes I sit down to dinner with people and I realize there is a massive military machine surrounding us, trying to kill the people I'm having dinner with."
lg bes kalu die nie muslim~
Salam fazlina, muslim yang macam corrie ni ok, tapi yang macam Hosni Mubarak tu....hmmm..malaih nak cakap.
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