These few days, entah pasai apa...
Dalam ramai2 orang sekeliling bersukaria, bergumbira,
Aku rasa down giler,
tetiba jer, could it be due to....
book I've read...ada possibility lar, or
masalah2 yang timbul lately...a never ending story actually, or
The high expection and hope, yang tetiba rasa tak leh capai...
tapi idok ler tinggi sangat, but...normal la kan...
Things which you do not hope happen more frequently than things which you do hope,
I've learned to accept that long time ago..
Whenever I'm feeling rather down like this,
rasa cam nak pi suatu pulau, tak kisah la kat mana pun, a secluded one ler,
datang lah melawat aku ni.
Kak Cik...Insyallah, dalam perancangan nie...nak makan kepok cekodok yang sedap tu..adalagi ka ler ni?
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