A scribble of my mind and heart.....

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I love to draw but not that good or very talented enough. Just so and so aje... kurang daya creativity. So walaupun teringin nak menghasilkan artwork... ada barrier kat situ.

 I have so many childhood stories that I would love to share with the world. How I wish I could draw cartoon character so I could tell story in comic form. So, by doing that... semua childhood memoris tu boleh diabadikan menjadi cerita yang very interesting. Contohnya... macam pengalaman saya jadi anak gembala dan ikut ajer punggong kerbau tu ke mana-mana...

In trying to achieve that, I had tried distance learning once, but I quit after sometimes... kind of lost interest of the lessons after sometimes. Lagipun distance learning tu macam ikut suka hati jer. Takdak orang nak marah. Kalau nak rugipun, duit sendiri...

Baru2 ni, try lukis pakai Paint. Bolehlah hasilnya... can do lah... ekekeke... I add quotes to the artwork.

Yang ni, I dont put color.. my first trial.

The first I add quote and the later follow...


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